Welcome to Fox-Runner. I am Ed Shelton – endurance athlete, death racer, ultra-runner, father to two girls. As of December 2017, I have completed 35 GORUCk events (2 HTLs, 1Triple Challenge, 6 Heavies, 20 Tough/Challenges, 9 Lights), the 2015 Summer Death Race, 7 100-mile (or more) trail races, and several other trail ultras. This is a blog to share and record my various adventures.
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be posting my past race reports as well as writing up new ones.
I run with the spirit of the Fox.
The spirit of the fox provides guidance to quickly finding your way around obstacles and resistance, to develop quick thinking and adaptability. The fox inspires developing sharp mental skills, such as analytical intelligence, deductive powers, and acute observation, along with physical alertness and responsiveness.
The fox best represents how I take on any challenge. I quickly observe, analyze, and adapt to the complete every challenge I face.
Hey Ed! I am excited about your new blog and look forward to reading your future posts.