Capt’n Karl’s Muleshoe 60k – 2017

I had two goals for the Capt’n Karl’s Muleshoe 60k: beat last year’s time and finish under 8 hours.

Happy to say I achieved both goals finished in 07:47:53 (last year’s time 08:13:11) and 13th overall, 5th in my division.

Despite the crazy weather when I arrived, the race was uneventful. The brief rain and heavy winds cooled off the woods, making them much more pleasant to run in over last year.

One take away I would like to share: In a race/event/etc, continue to give it your best even if it looks like you will not reach your goal.

Last night, my gps was messed up on my last loop. It seriously looked like I was not going to hit my under 8 hour goal. I was convinced I did not have a chance. I continued to race hard, giving it all I had. At the last aid station, I realized out my gps was just messed up and I had nearly 50 minutes to go 2.55 miles. If I had stopped putting in the effort when I thought my goal was unreachable, I probably would not have achieved it.